Goddess has always kept me on my toes through out my training , and it hasn’t mattered if i was doing to it right or doing it wrong there have always been humiliating tasks. However Goddess has taken things to a new level, as she believes i am a baby sissy loser and should be treated as such.
Continue reading “So you like Humiliation”What Pussy Free Means
i am the luckiest sissy cuck in the world! Goddess had been training me for 8 months and that weekend a dream came true.
Continue reading “What Pussy Free Means”FLR my happy life
To serve Goddess has been a true awaking and pleasure. Discovering that i was a beta hiding behind an Alpha mask has been an eye opener.
To say i was your typical rude male would be an understatement. Always concerned with own needs first prevented me from truly enjoying the relationships with women i had. Goddess immediately wanted to change this behavior, if i was to serve i had to prove i was capable of doing it. Goddess refuses to take a flake or someone that fakes their service.
Continue reading “FLR my happy life”Bye Bye Boxers
“it is time for you to get some panties sissy, as boxers are for real men” that was the message i woke up to that wonderful Friday morning. As exciting as it was to read it did sting my manhood pretty hard. When Goddess and i met, i had mentioned i had always had a kink for women’s clothing but had been too chicken to do anything about it. Now it seems that was about to change.
Continue reading “Bye Bye Boxers”My First Chastity – Bye Bye Manhood
i will never forget the way i felt when Goddess first asked me to put on a chastity cage for her. i was nervous, excited and filled with anticipation, what i didn’t realize was Goddess’s long term plan for me.

One Message and my life changed
I have always been attracted to strong beautiful woman. Ones that knew what they wanted and how to get it. Over the last year of my life the idea of serving a Goddess had become more and more appealing. I wasn’t just looking for a quick kink related fetish that would be over after a session or two. I wanted to learn how to serve, and become the best possible mate for a future FLR. I want this to be my lifestyle, serving and pleasing always putting woman first.
Continue reading “One Message and my life changed”