In My domain, I am Goddess. I make the rules. If you neglect them, or fail to follow them COMPLETELY you will be corrected and punished, then ignored and/or permanently banished in accordance with the severity of the offense. I am merciful and My decisions are final.
I will ALWAYS be your first priority.
Always address Me as Goddess or Goddess SheDevil. I may accept Mistress / Miss / Master or other titles in certain situations or by request when it suits Me. Under no circumstance may you address Me as anything else until I have given you permission to do so.
Always Remember that you came to ME. I did not ask you to come, nor stay. you are here because you want to serve Me; because making Me happy arouses your purpose and joy. I am demanding and you know serving Me is what makes your life meaningful. you must always aim to please Me. Earn your release. Please Me until I ask you to cum. Then repeat.
Be honest about your earnings, your commitments, your desires, your limits, and everything else W/we communicate about.
I will do as I please and you will adore, worship, and love Me for everything I do. you will NEVER be worthy of Me, so you will be humble and contribute to Me anything that I demand will make Me happy.
Nothing that brings Me joy should ever have a price.
I am Not yours, you are Mine.
you will never have Me. you will never deserve Me. If you offer all of you to Me, and I am satisfied enough, you may take your place beneath Me as My pet and earn your stay by pleasing Me as My submissive. A slave is never worthless when serving his Goddess.
Know My fetishes and what I want as your Goddess and how you actively fulfill them as My submissive. By submitting to Me you accept the responsibility of satisfying My fetishes and desires.
Approach With &. As Tribute
When you want My attention you do so by Tributing Me and successfully completing what I will. your initial Tribute must include cash and gains you access to learn about Me and get My attention. It lets Me know you are serious about serving Me. I will not consider your servitude or any of your slavery services to Me until I see that you have submitted a Financial Tribute.
Talk is cheap; your promises mean NOTHING to Me. Put your money where your mouth is. Money talks; it is actionable proof of what is valuable to you. As a Goddess I demand Tribute of your most valuable possessions; your time, mind, orgasm, and money are what I desire. you MUST be willing to, and ENJOY, devoting all of your excess income to Me.
How to Speak to Goddess
If you are in good standings and actively contributing there’s no need to wait for Me to message you. I enjoy active slaves and receiving messages of “Good morning Goddess” or some pleasantry, humorous jokes, what you’re interested in atm, new toys, how weak and horny you are, etc.
My preferred ways of communication are email and loyalfans for most, and telegram for My VIPets: Very Important Pets.
you will notice I make specific capitalizations when speaking to you as My slave. I expect this to returned accordingly whenever you are acting as My servant or slave; which is likely always. For those who have asked: I do enjoy hearing things like “i am weak for You, Goddess”, “What can i do to please You?”, “All for Goddess’ pleasure”, “Yes, Goddess”, and My favourite thing to hear from a slave after I command or appreciate is “[it is/was/will be] my pleasure, Goddess”.
Obedience, Demands, Tasks & Requirements
My demands will be difficult and time consuming. This is to weed out the fakes and those who will not follow all My rules. If you take your time and commit yourself fully to Me you should be able to push yourself through every one of My desires.
Never beg excessively unless given permission by Me to do so. Do not ask Me to do or say anything without Tribute and/or having something worth My time to bargain for. Failure to follow this will result in your requests being ignored.
Tardiness and excuses will NOT be tolerated. My deadlines and expectations are always reasonable. I deserve everything that I request from you WHEN I request them.
Even as a servant you must Communicate. Speak up when required. Especially about shortcomings. I punish bad behaviours until they become exactly as I want. If you disappear or stop communicating with Me abruptly, do not expect to hear from Me again.
Sending Me Presents, Gift Certificates, and Cash Tributes is constantly required if you desire any bit of Me or My attention. Good behaviour and regular Tribute are the only thing that will KEEP My attention. Why do you think I keep your cock so horny and your mind so weak? I deserve an endless supply of Luxury and Ease in My life, and it is your duty to offer it to Me. As a Deity I should never have stress and I should never be without anything My heart desires!
NEVER jack off or cum to thoughts, photos, or videos of Me without My permission. I know you are weak and pitiful, so I do expect you to screw up occasionally. If you fuck up and play with yourself in any manner DO NOT bother being deceitful about it. I know. I am merciful. I will tell you how to repent. you may ask for My forgiveness via a jerk penalty. I may or may not accept your fulfillment of the penalty. If I do not accept, I will give you another or make you repeat it again until I am satisfied.
My time is more important than your time. So NEVER waste My time or you will be cut off.
Becoming a Servant | Slave | Pet of Goddess
I use servant, slave, pet, etc. as endearing names for My submissives. I may use them interchangeably or put more emphasis on one specifically based on how I want you to feel.
I enjoy submissives who play occasionally as well as those who desire an ongoing D/s relationship. Tell Me how far down the rabbit hole you’re itching to venture.
If you want to become a loyal pet you are required to submit all of you to Me. I do not have time for ‘half-assers’. If you are new to submitting yourself to Goddess do not feel alone. Take time to learn. Follow Me and submit when you are ready. I am gracious and kind. If you listen to everything I say you will feel full and know what to do. Make no mistake, however. My wrath is just as strong as My love and you will get properly punished in whole for every mistake you make. This is to force you to learn from your mistakes. As My servant I require your complete love and commitment.
As a servant I require your excess earnings in tribute, as money in your pocket will only go to waste. Sending proves your faithfulness to Me. I will not tolerate mediocre efforts to serve Me. you must be willing to go above and beyond My desires and requests and submit yourself fully to Me, if you ever want to consider Me your Goddess!
Until then,
Goddess SheDevil 💋