A fetish for being used for a Dominant’s benefit and financial gain
Financial Domination aka FinDom has a very unique fascination in the last few years. It also seems to have a polarizing reaction from subs; either they love it or hate it. This is partially due to the common view of FinDom, and how it has been primarily become used as a greedy obsession by many young “baby Dommes” who look at it as a fast and easy way to rape men and subs of their hard earned money. There is a fetish for being a finsub, and even financial rape, but there is much more to FinDom than most realize.
True Financial Domination isn’t simply a take from one and give to the other. It should be a win-win situation for all involved. We all know there is much more in life than money, and having it be the only focus in an exchange makes it seem shallow, cheap, and unfulfilling to many. While receiving money is a nice gift, for Me, I enjoy it much more thoroughly when there is more substance behind the gesture.

Supporting What you Love
The first aspect of FinDom I want to recognize is the support it provides. As a Female Dominant the concept that I am rewarded with financial tribute from fans, subs, and slaves allows Me to live life without money worry that would otherwise distract from My time and skillsets as a Dominatrix.
In essence the submissive who enjoys My skills and chooses to financial show Me appreciation is also rewarded in knowing they are helping Me to focus on My passion and continue to explore and share BDSM. They contribute to making My life, as their Domme, pleasing, and for a real submissive this is also rewarding for them. There is also the added bonus that often I use this Tribute to buy BDSM apparel, tools, and the like that the sub will be able to experience because of their support.
FinDom Isn’t Just For The Top/Domme
Financial Domination is often looked at as the sub pouring copious amounts of cash at a Top or Domme. However, it could also mean the Top controlling and/or restricting the money given or possessed by a bottom; by giving a set amount of money or allowance for a sub it entertains that power exchange that many look for in BDSM. If a Dominant is the one with the cash it can also be the Domme giving a set amount of money to the sub to utilize; generally along with a set of rules or guidelines on how they expect it to be used.
If you look at the relationship between a parent and child or a Boss and their employee it makes that power exchange of Financial Domination more clear. As an adult most are self sufficient in making their own money, but not always clear in how to use it to find balance and happiness in life. Many tend to fall victim to the buy buy buy and debt of capitalism and don’t actually enjoy the process and power money affords. This is where a Dominant can step in and either make the process of earning the money amusing, and/or put in restrictions and control over the submissive’s financials.
Money is Power
We can’t overlook the fact that money is powerful. It is used in exchange to obtain almost anything one wants in life, making it highly valuable if you know how to utilize it. They say the one with the gold makes the rules, and it is often played out in real life.
Being a finsub and offering up money to a FinDom is actually saying “I give you the power” or “You have the power over me”.
Even if you don’t identify as a finsub the act of Financial Tribute still plays on this appreciation and giving power to the Domme. As many subs enjoy feeling powerless to a Superior Woman the thought of spending money and Tributing Her adds to this feeling. It also must come with trust that the Domme is also giving to the sub that feeling of powerlessness; whether that be by ignoring them with “I’m too valuable for you and you are worthless” or by acknowledgement of their sacrifice ie. “Because of you (sub) I am able to live happily and get what I desire”.
The Power of Financial Domination
Being a part of something Greater than ourselves is part of the essence of humanity. It is much more rewarding when we work hard and earn that sense of satisfaction; especially when it comes with the bond to someone or something one admires. Money does not bring happiness in and of itself; how it is used does.
The need to satisfy is motivating, and that is where debt and debt contracts also come into play. It provides a goal to be accomplished and as one sees the numbers change it stimulates life and reason to work hard(er). Have you ever felt the rush of a countdown? This is very much the same. it sets off endorphins and triggers the sensory part of your brain that anticipates something rewarding. Often the anticipation itself is much more satisfying than what is actually being anticipated.
Giving Up Financial Control To A Domme
The choice to put Financial Control into the hands of another comes with a great deal of trust, and often excitement. It isn’t something to give lightly, as it is powerful. However, one would be surprised at what one can accomplish with the aid of strong motivation and control from a Dominant.
I have been personally able to use My influence as a Dominant to aid subs in many ways; depending on their and My own goals for them. I have helped correct money misuse, help subs find pleasure through financial goals, and even helped subs save up for purchase of their first homes and much needed relief of money stress.
Whether it is the joy of being a finsub having a FinDom fetish and finding pleasure in supporting and giving power to Me, or feeling the sense of financial freedom from money stress and confusion by turning it over to My control, Financial Domination is a wonderful way to explore power-exchange play.